After many months of hard work, I'm getting close to being able to formally announce one of my latest projects:, a hematology, oncology, chemotherapy regimen wiki. The website is intended to be a hematology/oncology reference that is created by oncologists as a knowledge base for providers, initially focusing on chemotherapy, chemotherapy regimens, and commonly referenced information such as antiemetic support. However, since it is a wiki, I hope that it becomes a shared online notebook which will continue to evolve and grow to meet the needs of the community because users are able to refine and build upon existing content. It can be truly invaluable to be able to learn from the collective wisdom and insights from the clinical experiences of other oncology providers.
I recently migrated the website's content to a webserver with dedicated resources, which appears to have made a noticeable impact on its speed. The increased amount of control that I now have over the computer on which the website resides allows me to more easily keep it up to date and to add new features when needed. I was also a great way to continue improving my own computer skills--administering a Linux server is certainly an ongoing learning experience! Feel free to show your support by following on's Twitter page or's Facebook page. Please send any comments/suggestions to the contact information listed on